Going for Green
Venue Directory has awarded us a green accreditation!
The UK Meetings, Incentives, Conference and Events (MICE) industry leader of venue information, Venue Directory, has recognised our Net Zero commitment, by awarding us a Green Accreditation for all of the hotels in our portfolio.
With one eye on tomorrow, we have committed to a Net Zero Carbon future for our business and people, pledging to become Net Zero by 2040 - 10 years ahead of the Paris Accord Target. In this crucial Decade of Action, we have become Planet Mark certified by measuring and reducing our carbon footprint year on year. This Green Accreditation from Venue Directory recognises our ongoing commitment to reaching Net Zero.
Commenting on the accreditation, Venue Directory said “Congratulations to Kew Green Hotels on achieving its green accreditation with Planet Mark! As the industry leader providing the largest data centre of venue information to the UK MICE industry, venuedirectory.com are delighted to promote venues that demonstrate their commitment to reducing carbon emissions and preserving our planet, making it easy for our corporate bookers to make informed choices on sustainable venues. We’re excited to be working with Kew Green Hotels as they progress on their sustainability journey with the target aim of becoming carbon Net Zero by 2040.”
Joanna Fisher, Group Commercial Director, Kew Green Hotels added, “We’ve listened to our customers, who are increasingly looking for robust action on sustainability, particularly in the events sector. With our hotels now being recognised as Green Accredited venues, we’re able to offer our guests increased transparency, assurances that their events are inline with accredited sustainability commitments to ensure we are delivering experiences that are fit for the future.”
Scott Armstrong, Chief Operations Officer, Planet Mark commented “Kew Green Hotels have been working closely with Planet Mark to further their sustainability credentials while working towards achieving Planet Mark certification for 2022.
Planet Mark is an internationally recognised sustainability certification for every type of organisation and for real estate, which recognises continuous improvement, encourages action, and builds an empowered community of like-minded individuals who make a world of difference.
To achieve Planet Mark Business Certification members are required to measure their Scopes 1 and 2 emissions, and a few Scope 3 categories (purchased goods and services (paper only), fuel and energy related activities (transport and distribution emissions of electricity and water), waste, and business travel). To maintain certification, Planet Mark members are required to make a minimum year-on-year reduction of 2.5% on their carbon footprint.
A full Business Certification and material Scope 3 emissions measurement of Kew Green Hotels carbon footprint was conducted using data from 2019, to help formulate a robust Net Zero target and strategy. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic the business emissions for 2020 and 2021 were not considered to be representative of normal business operations and therefore it was agreed that they would aim for recertification using 2022 data.
Beyond Business Certification, Kew Green Hotels have demonstrated their commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2040 by measuring their material Scope 3 emissions.
This helps them to understand their complete carbon footprint, including the emissions associated with their supply chain, so they can develop a robust roadmap to reduce emissions by at least 90% by their Net Zero target date of 2040. Any unavoidable remaining emissions will then be balanced using accredited carbon removal offsetting schemes.”
As part of our race to Net Zero, Kew Green Hotels is already working on a number of initiatives. In April 2022, one tree for every employee was planted with Rewards Earth, totalling 1,200 native trees. This will offset 840 tonnes of CO2 over the trees' lifetime - the equivalent of driving over 5 million miles in a diesel car. Find out more about our sustainability efforts below.
We’re excited to be working with Kew Green Hotels as they progress on their sustainability journey with the target aim of becoming carbon Net Zero by 2040.
Venue Directory